The 1015 Fyrakk Mega Dungeon
10.1 is on the PTR and even though Primal Fire Incarnate Fyrakk is the main antagonist, we do not fight him in the new Abberus raid, with Neltharion and Sarkareth being the final bosses. But there's a new Mega-Dungeon coming in 10.1.5, so what if that is where we defeat him? How would it work? • ► Editor: Ryylar / ryylar • ► Our Main Channel: / taliesinevitel • ► Twitch: / taliesinandevitel • ► Taliesin Evitel Twitter: / taliesinevitel • ► Taliesin Evitel Patreon: / taliesinandevitel • ► T E Merchandise: https://taliesin-evitel.creator-sprin...