Amtrak Growing Phillys Future
Completed in June 2016, the Philadelphia 30th Street Station District Plan is a long-range, master planning effort led by Amtrak, Brandywine Realty Trust, Drexel University, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, and the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority to develop a comprehensive vision for the future of the 30th Street Station District in the year 2050 and beyond. The 30th Street Station District will become Philadelphia’s next great neighborhood: a place to live, work, learn, and play near one of the nation’s busiest and most important transportation hubs and accessible to one-of-a-kind urban and natural amenities. • Read more about how Amtrak is growing Philly’s Future at • Learn more about the Philadelphia 30th Street Station District Plan at • Transcript: • [train whistle blows] • ♪ • [children laughing] • In the last ten years, West Philadelphia has changed dramatically. • This is really a great story. This is a romance story. • Every neighborhood in this city has its own identity, its own history, its own folklore, its own characters. • We have our universities expanding, our hospitals expanding. • You've got tower cranes, you've got University City growing. If you think about it, the future's really already here. • The 30th Street District is a phenomenal place. It's a crossroads for everyone traveling to the city or outside the city and through the city. • By integrating both the future of the train station with the future of the neighborhood, we could accomplish a, really a transformative and incredible outcome for the city. • We're taking all this underutilized space wrapped around the third busiest train station in the country and make the best innovation district in the United States. • It's about building the city to the station from walkable streets to new parks, great access to transit. • It will wind up being one of the best economic development stories in the history of this country. • This plan has to start with 30th Street Station. • It's a palace of a building. It takes your breath away. • 30th Street Station District plan is about preparing Amtrak and SEPTA to meet the future traveling demands of our region. • One of the things that we're looking at is how to reopen an underground passageway that does exist. • I think that if we had a connection, a better connection, between the station and the Frankford Line, • that would be so much better for us. • We need better access to buses at 30th Street Station. • This plan will significantly improve the access to the station for SEPTA buses as well as the inner city buses. • The Porch at 30th Street Station was designed to serve as a gateway. We need to make the space around 30th Street Station work for people, not just cars. • We love the porch with a swing. In French we call them balançoire. We love just sitting there and enjoying the station as well. • One of the most valuable assets in the plan is improving both pedestrian as well as mass transit connections, whether they be with the trolley, with the Market El, or with the LUCY services. • The transit guideway shown in the plan provides an opportunity to connect to this new neighborhood from the 30th Street Station to get out to Mantua, to get out to Parkside, to the Zoo. • Tie all these streets together, it gives us a connectivity into Center City that we've never had before. • We're adding a new community and new connections over the railyard. • Imagine a whole new city center that brings together University City and Center City. • And over the next 35 years it will organically grow northwards towards Spring Garden Street and the Art Museum. • Right across the river from 30th Street Station is the Schuylkill River Trail and Schuylkill Banks and it's critical to make a better connection between that path in 30th Street Station. • I am one of the lucky people in Philadelphia in that I commute right along this riverbank walk. • This trail and these developments that are happening are opening up the river. We need to reconnect people to the river. • We're so thankful that they've allowed the neighborhoods to have input into the planning process. • You're either at the table or you're on the menu. • We did extensive public outreach which has been an amazing opportunity. • I just want more opportunity for jobs in this community. • I just want equality. • There is no reason when we get this thing done down here that you want to work in New York City or Washington versus working in Philadelphia. • Kenny: This is for the next generation. • Blackwell: It has to start now. We can't wait for 35 years. • We have to make this happen! • We have to make this happen! • We have to make this happen! • We have to make this happen! • We have to make this happen! • We have to make this happen! • We have to make this happen! • When I tell you West is best, I mean it. • • #Philly #Future #Amtrak #Transportation #Philadelphia #PhillyDistrict30