Do You Need a Bamboo Barrier Technical Info in Description
Bamboo is not as invasive or as difficult to contain as some people say it is. Some people will say that phrase when they are just repeating what they have heard and/or have never grown it themselves. It depends on the individual and what they define as being difficult or invasive. The word invasive is used loosely these days. Bamboo has many benefits and can take many years for it to really establish once planted. It's pretty simple really...If you are the kind of person who does not take care of your property or just can't, use a barrier. In regions like where I live or colder zones, bamboo (especially certain species) doesn't spread very fast at all and its fairly simple to manage. • Looking on the invasive plant species list for Ohio, Bamboo isn't even on the list. And there are types of bamboo NATIVE to Ohio too. Bamboo spreads by roots and once every 50-100 years it drops seeds (depends on the species) and then the entire grove/forest of it dies. You can't even cut a cane and stick it in the ground and expect it to root as it does not propagate easily that way. To put the term Invasive into perspective, there is actually a type pear tree (Callery Pear) in Ohio that IS considered an invasive species, yes, a PEAR TREE! But who would think or look at a little tree and attribute that to be an invasive plant? So calling something invasive like bamboo, may not be accurate because the DOA (Department of Agriculture) actually sees a pear tree as more invasive than bamboo. • Sources: • • • • Bamboo Barrier That I Use (Amazon Affiliate Links) • 25ft - • 50ft - • 75ft - • 100ft - • 200ft -