My Sound Treatment of the Prinz Eugen Film of the Bismarck


This is my own sound treatment to the Prinz Eugen Film of the Bismarck, during the Battle of the Denmark Strait. The Battle of the Denmark Strait, between the premier, German and British battleships, the Bismarck and the HMS Hood, began at 5:52 a.m., on the 24th of May, 1941. By 6:05 a.m., a mere 13 minutes later, the mighty, HMS Hood had already been fully sunken for nearly 5 minutes, and the Battle of the Denmark Strait was disengaged. This section of the Prinz Eugen Film, taken from the Bismarck's escort cruiser, Prinz Eugen, contains 0:56 seconds of actual footage from that epic battle. • I've used a number of published time lines, along with the observable salvo splashes and their corresponding, estimated time in the air, in my attempts to recreate the distant sounds of the unseen, HMS Prince of Wales firing in retreat. There is one aspect, however, that I chose to omit. When the camera suddenly dips at the 0:04 and 0:18 second marks, it is because the video, taken from the deck of the heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen, is also firing her main guns at the HMS Prince of Wales, causing the ship to suddenly lurch in recoil. However, if I had included the sounds of these batteries firing, it would have needed to be deafening to be accurate and would probably not have entirely made sense to many viewers as to where the sound was initiating from. Therefore, I've chosen to omit the sounds of the Prinz Eugen firing it's main batteries in this treatment.


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