Math 209 Lecture 1 Intro and review of derivatives


Welcome to Math 209 - Elements of Calculus and Statistics as taught at the City College of New York. This class is basically the non-engineering version of calculus 2, with some statistics and probability thrown in. The text for this class is Mathematical Methods for he Life Sciences by Edward Grossman. This is not a widely available text, but can be purchased cheaply at the City College math department. The syllabus for the course can be found here: • In this lecture, we go through the syllabus and lay down the ground rules for the class. We then do a mini-review of some of the basics of calculus 1, the derivative rules. Normally I also get through some basic integral rules, but I guess I took longer going through the syllabus this time...we covered, with examples and very briefly, the power rule, the chain rule, the product rule, the quotient rule, as well as derivatives of exponentials and the natural log. I mention, briefly, one common mistakes with integrals, but that was about it. • We then ended the class with a gift from me to my students--a first day quiz to welcome them back. • We will pick up next time with the basics of integration and then move on to some simple differential equations. • Here's to a great semester!


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