Edge of Night February 11 1982
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This is the Episode of the Edge of Night from February 11, 1982. Nora (Catherine Bruno) threatened Spencer (Richard Borg) if he didn't recommend her for a job with Raven (Sharon Gabet). Valerie (Leah Ayres) told Nancy (Ann Flood) that she decided that not be part of Jim's company. Hector (John Resenhouse) and Jim (David Allen Brooks) talked about Smiley. Cliff (Ernie Townsend) and Mitzi (Lela Ivey) visited a scenery store. Nicole (Lisa Sloan) told Mrs. Goodman (Pat Stanely) that she fired Nora. Jinx (Susan MacDonald) confirmed to Derek (Dennis Parker) that she is dying. Nancy visited Jim' studio. Raven hired Nora. The black widow hovered outside the mansion. • Written by Henry Slesar (c) 1982 Procter Gamble Productions • This episode is brought to you by the Monticello Times. The place for the original Edge of Night Mystery series Return to Monticello . https://monticellotimes.wordpress.com/