The signers of the Declaration of Independence


All 56 of the founding fathers who put their signatures to that historic document July 1776 are in this video along with the state they represented and their years of birth and death. As signer William Ellery put it, the delegates showed undaunted resolution on each face as he signed his death warrant . Most suffered hardship, financial loss, or total ruin; and the families of a few were scattered when the British pillaged or confiscated their homes. None of them had to do it, knowing full well that by doing so made them a traitor to the King of England, and risking execution if captured. • 4 songs of the Revolutionary era are included, the most famous of course, Yankee Doodle sung as originally composed. The fourth song is Chester composed by William Billings (1746-1800). • This is a tribute to my dearly departed grandmother Clarice, a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), who every spring, would go out into the rural areas of western Maine to make sure that the graves of our brave soldiers were decorated with a flag. • The Yankey's return from Camp (original spelling) • Father and I went down to camp, • Along with Captain Gooding, • There we see the men and boys. • As thick as hasty pudding. • Chorus: • Yankey doodle keep it up, • Yankey doodle, dandy, • Mind the music and the step, • And with the girls be handy. • And there we see a thousand men, • As rich as 'Squire David; • And what they wasted every day, • I wish it could be saved. • Chorus: • The 'lasses they eat every day, • Would keep a house a winter: • They have as much that I'll be bound • They eat it when they're a mind to. • Chorus; • And there we see a swamping gun, • Large as a log of maple, • Upon a ducid little cart, • A load for fathers cattle. • Chorus: • And every time they shoot it off, • It takes a horn of powder-- • It makes a noise like father's gun, • Only a nation louder. • Chorus: • I went as nigh to one myself, • As Siah's underpining; • And father went as nigh again, • I tho't the deuce was in him. • Chorus: • Cousin Simon grew so bold, • I tho't he would have cock'd it: • It scar'd me so, I shrink'd it off, • And hung by father's pocket. • Chorus • And captain Davis had a gun, • He kind of clapt his hand on't, • And stuck a crooked stabbing iron • Upon the little end on't. • Chorus: • And there I see a pumpkin shell • As big as mother's bason, • And ev'ery time they touch'd it off, • They scamper'd like the nation. • Chorus: • I see a little barrel too, • The heads were made of leather, • They knock'd upon't with little clubs, • And call'd the folks together. • Chorus: • And there was captain Washington, • And gentlefolks about him, • They say he's grown so tarnal proud, • He will not ride without 'em. • Chorus: • He got him on his meeting clothes, • Upon a slapping stallion, • He set the world along in rows, • In hundreds and in millions. • Chorus: • The flaming ribbons in their hats, • They look'd so taring fine, ah, • I wanted pockily to get • To give to my Jemimah. • Chorus: • I see another snarl of men • A digging graves, they told me, • So tarnal long, so tarnal deep, • They 'tended they should hold me. • Chorus: • It scar'd me so, I hook'd it off, • Nor stop'd, as I remember, • Nor turn'd about 'till I got home, • Lock'd up in mother's chamber. • Chorus: • The words to Fish and Tea are at


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