Animal Ocean Game Learn about animals in the ocean Sheppard Software
Find this game and many other fun animal games here: • • This colorful animated game helps kids learn the names of animals in the oceans as well as facts about them. With fun sounds, it's a great way to learn about animals and have fun at the same time! • Animals include: whale, dolphin, crab, seaturtle, fish, crab and octopus. • Learn that seaturtles have a shell on their backs and flippers, that dolphins are very smart and friendly and use a blowhole, that whales are the biggest ocean animal, fish breathe under the water and much more! • A game for toddlers, preschoolers, kindergarten, primary school or any animal enthusiasts about animals in the ocean! • Find many more games for toddlers, preschool, kindergarten, primary school and all the way up to adult at our website! Topics include science, math, geography, grammar, language arts and much more! •