Tenderizing Steak with pineapple puree Part 2
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=r1XOjNqlMYQ
See Mr P almost set himself on FIRE! Tonight we took our steak that we marinated in pineapple puree from another video ( • Tenderizing Steak with pineapple puree ) and put it to the taste test. • I depended on my trusty Possum Farms Quality Control Team to give me feedback on our experiment and they gave their honest opinions. • We treated both steaks exactly the same, except one was marinated in just a dry rub of Lawry's seasoned salt and the other we coated with Lawry's seasoned salt and then submerged it in a bath of pineapple puree. Thus chemically tenderizing the meat so that it literally fell apart on the grill! • We discovered that pineapple juice seems to be extremely flammable! Mr P no longer has any hair on his hands or forearms... • Come along us as we experiment and see the results for yourself. • • Please come visit our website at http://www.possumfarms.com for more information, a view of the farm from our 24 hour tower cam, farm info, kitchen tips, recipes, listen to our Pandora Radio Station and other interesting activities.