Unlearn The Lies Tithing Biblical Tithing Has Nothing to Do With Money
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=r1bD_iN4sHA
📌 DISCOVER THE TRUTH ABOUT TITHES PROSPERITY GOSPEL PREACHERS DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW. Click this link: 👉 👉 https://amzn.to/2NUzdF5 • Most Christians are taught that they are required to tithe, but what does the Bible actually say about tithing? • The problem is that there are a lot of misinterpretations and false teachings about tithing. People have been taught that they have to tithe in order to be blessed, but this is not what the Bible says. • My book, The Tithing Hoax, exposes the lies, misinterpretations, and false teachings about tithing. In this video series, I provide a foundational understanding of what tithing is and how it applies to us today. • 📒 Video Notes: • Discover more about Unlearn The Lies Tithing. Visit:👉 👉 https://amzn.to/2NUzdF5 • The video is about Unlearn The Lies Tithing valuable information but also tries to cover the following subjects: • -is tithing biblical • -what does the bible say about tithing • -what is the tithe • One thing I discovered when I was researching information on Unlearn The Lies Tithing was the absence of pertinent information. • Unlearn The Lies Tithing however is a subject that I understand something about. This video for that reason should matter and be of interest to you. • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • Our YT channel has various other related video clips regarding is tithing biblical, what does the bible say about tithing, and what is the tithe? • • Please check them out: 👉 👉 https://tinyurl.com/mr342a9a • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • If you were searching for more details about is tithing biblical or what does the bible say about tithing did this video help? • Maybe you wish to comment listed below and let me understand what else I can help you with or info on Unlearn The Lies Tithing. • Make sure not to miss a single video! CLICK HERE to Subscribe: • https://tinyurl.com/mr342a9a • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • 🎤About Our YouTube Channel: • The tithing hoax exposes the lies, misinterpretations, and false teachings about tithing taught by prosperity gospel preachers. It provides Christians with answers to their questions about tithes that are 100% backed by Scripture. • IF YOU'RE STILL CONFUSED ABOUT TITHING CLICK HERE TO DISCOVER THE TRUTH: 👉 👉 https://amzn.to/2NUzdF5 • DISCLAIMER: This video and description contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this. Thank you for your support! • #UnlearnTheLiesTithing • #istithingbiblical • #whatdoesthebiblesayabouttithing • #whatisthetithe • Tithing is Not Money,What Does the Bible Say About Tithing,Unlearn The Lies Tithing,what does the bible say about tithing,what is the tithe,review Unlearn The Lies Tithing,what the bible says about tithing,unlearn the lies,tithing in the bible,unlearn the lies false teacher,is tithing required in the new testament,tithing in the new testament,what is tithing in the bible,the lies of the tithe,is tithing for the new testament church,is tithing money or food