Constructivist Education in Preschool
Constructivism acknowledges that we humans are creating ourselves, our neural networks, our ways of being, our intelligence. We do this everyday, all day based on the experiences we have in the world in combination with our genetics. • Constructivist educators harness this reality by giving learners activities that allow application, exploration, discovery, and more. Worksheets and black-line masters can be limiting. We fill them out and then we're done. But when we don't have limiting materials, it is only our imagination and capacity that is the limit. • Maitri Learning makes learning materials that are grounded in constructivist theory. It's all about application, working at your own pace, exploration, and deepening our knowledge. • Learn more at • #childledlearning #earlychildhoodeducation #earlylearning #preschool #educator #followthechild #gameschooling #invitationtoplay #iteachk #iteachprek #learningbydoing #maitrilearning #montessori #openendedplay #parenting #pedagogy #gentleparenting #playandlearn #preparedenvironment #preschoolactivities #reggioinspired #selfdirectedlearning #specialedteacher #school #learning #education