GUISARME - The definitive pronunciation guide for Guisarme in 2023 • How is the pronunciation of 'guisarme' similar to or different from similar words like 'guise' or 'guillotine'? • What are some common mispronunciations of 'guisarme'? • Is the 's' in 'guisarme' silent? • GUISARME Meaning And Definition: • A guisarme is a medieval polearm weapon that combines a spearhead with a hook or a slashing blade on the opposite side. • It was commonly used by infantry during the 14th and 15th centuries in Europe. • The guisarme was designed for both cutting through armor and for hooking and dismounting mounted knights. • The design of the weapon varied across different regions and time periods, but it generally consisted of a long wooden shaft with a blade or hook attached at one end. • GUISARME Pronunciation: • To pronounce 'guisarme', start with the 'ghee' sound, similar to the 'gee' in 'geese'. • Then follow with 'sarm', pronounced like 'sarm' in 'charm'. • Alternatively, it can be pronounced as 'gzee-sahrm'. • Use GUISARME In Your Speech: • 1. The soldier used a guisarme to unhorse his opponent during the battle • 2. The guisarme was an effective weapon against heavily armored knights • 3. The guisarme's hook was used to catch enemy weapons and pull them away • Please answer in comments for the most popular GUISARME questions: • 1. What other weapons were used alongside the guisarme in medieval warfare? • 2. How did the design of the guisarme vary across different regions? • 3. What were some alternative names for the guisarme? • #medieval #polearms #infantry #european #knight #armor • Last updated: October, 2023


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