Canva How To Split MultiPage Design Into New Individual SinglePage Designs
Super Easy One Click Way To Separate A Larger Multi-Page Design into a new single page design. • I always use this when I have a workbook of multiple pages and I want a design with just one of the pages. • Still, I don't want to mess with copy and paste, or duplicating the design or the time-consuming process of duplicating then deleting the ones I don't want. • This is way simpler than that and can be done for free, no need to be a canva pro user. • This is by far the best, easiest fastest way to do this for any canva project. • It doesn't matter if its a video, image, workbook, social media post, gif, presentation, etc. • This works with any canva project or design! • Want more handy dandy online business boosting tips tricks? • Join our fun easy going Weekly Marketing Maven email list community: •