DenavitHartenberg Reference Frame Layout
This video demonstrates use of the Denavit-Hartenberg convention for defining the reference frames of a kinematic chain. • • In short, the z-axis for each joint is placed along its axis of motion, and then the x-axes are placed along the common normals between these z-axes. Then four parameters are used to specify the transformation between each of these frames: • • d - the depth along the previous joint's z axis • • θ (theta) - the rotation about the previous z (the angle between the common normal and the previous x axis) • • r - the radius of the new origin about the previous z (the length of the common normal) • • α (alpha) - the rotation about the new x axis (the common normal) to align the old z to the new z. • • See also the Tekkotsu kinematics page, with numerical examples, tools, and links to download HD.