How to make the Fender GT40 sound AWESOME
Learn 20 TIPS on how to make the Fender GT-40 sound AWESOME! • This video tells you what the manual doesn't - how to modify the tone settings to make it sound like a million bucks! • The tips work just as well on the Fender GT-100 and GT-200 amplifiers too! • Included are sound examples and a preset mapping spreadsheet that helps you understand how all the presets are built. • DOWNLOAD this spreadsheet here: • DOWNLOAD the companion article here: • THE VIDEO HAS FIVE SECTIONS: • Section 1: Strengths Downsides (jump to 42 seconds) • Section 2: 20 Tips to make the amp sound GREAT! (jump to 5 mins 51 secs) • Section 3: Sound Examples (jump to 15 mins 0 secs) • Section 4: Which is it? - Amp Sound Guessing Game (jump to 19 mins 21 secs) • Section 5: How to use the Preset Spreadsheet (jump to 20 mins 17 secs)