MMT50 238
jD is back and he's joined by Daniel from Chicago to discuss his Pavement origin story and dissect track number 38. • Transcript: • [0:00] Hey, it's JD here, and I just wanted to throw something down, somewhat of a challenge to all you musically inclined folks out there. • We are going to be doing a pod list again this year, and a pod list is simply a podcast playlist. • It's a pod list. The previous four pod lists have consisted of talented members of our Pavement community submitting songs that they have covered from the Pavement oeuvre. • Pavement adjacent songs are also welcome. So you could do PSOI, you could do Jicks, you could do Malcolm is Solo. • Anything is fair game, truly. So get your band together or grab an acoustic guitar and just play your fucking guts out. • From there, submit the song to me by email and we'll go from there. • So please submit those songs, jd at, or even better, use if it's a big WAV file. And WAV files are what I prefer. • That will work out just magnificently. That's what she said. • Podlist 5 coming July 8th. So get those songs in and be a part of something special. Thanks so much. • Now, on with the show. • Track 3: • [1:24] Previously on the pavement top 50. • Track 2: • [1:27] What do you have to say dan from rochester about playbook oh man so um first of all when i i listened to this a lot this week and there's three versions so i did some some deepdiving into comparing the different like studio versions that are out there but the first thing that surprised me was the length is relatively short it's slightly less than three and a half minutesand to me that song always felt like very epic. • Track 3: • [1:58] Hey, this is Westy from the Rock and Roll Band, Pavement, and you're listening to The Countdown. • Track 4: • [2:05] Hey, it's J.D. here, back for another episode of our Top 50 Countdown for the seminal indie rock band, Pavement. • Week over week, we're going to count down the 50 essential Pavement tracks that you selected with your very own Top 20 ballots. • I then tabulated the results using an abacus and a six-pack. • [2:24] Okay, there were only four left, but I was thirsty. see how will your favorite pavement song fare in the ranking you'll need to tune in to find out so there's that this week we're joinedby pavement superfan daniel daniel how are you doing motherfucker uh doing good how are you i am excellent today it's a bright and sunny day out i did a 10k walk it's uh just fantastic itis a good day it's like i'm in chicago and it's uh 50 degrees and so that's like summer so yeah right to have that in february is like just another another planet it's amazing yeah so let's getright into this let's talk about your pavement origin story daniel from chicago i am from a town in the south called montgomery alabama Okay. • And I'm also 45, late Gen Xer. • Discovering music in the early 90s, you really had to try to search out cool stuff, and especially in a shitty town like Montgomery, Alabama. Alabama. • [3:42] There were like only one record store that was independent and you kind of had to like know a person to get there. And. • [3:52] So that's a big part of my origin story is I am from a shitty place. • And the more I get to know pavement, I realize that Stockton is a lot like Montgomery. • It's strip malls and crime and not a lot to do, not a lot of real culture. • So I see that connection now. • When I was a teenager, I was into classic rock like Neil Young and Bob Dylan and Steve Miller Band, I guess, was my intro to what my dad showed me about rock and roll. • But I started 10th grade and I noticed a guy had the iconic pavement sunny side up shirt. Right. • And I said, this guy knows something. He kind of shined with this aura. • And at the time, I didn't know much about indie rock or alternative rock. • But I knew a lot about film. • I was into Tarantino, and that led me to John Woo and other independent film. • [5:17] I knew a lot about beat literature, like Kerouac and Ginsberg, Burroughs. • So we met, and he helped me with the pavement and the Sonic Youth. We traded CDs. • I traded VHS, independent film, with him. • And we eventually started a shitty noise band in his garage. • Oh, that is so cool. Yeah. Yeah. And we talked about Pavement