Census 66 TV Ad 5
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From the Film Australia Collection. 1966. Ad 4 of a series of 5 TV ads for upcoming 1966 Census on 30th June 1966 - featuring Bobby Limb and Dawn Lake. • Census day is here, boys, census day is here... • BOBBY LIMB: Let's see now. Everyone staying in the house tonight, even visitors... and baby. • DAWN: What if you don't have a form? • BOBBY: Well, it's up to you to collect one from the post office. And another thing, it's completely confidential. The forms go straight to a computer. For once we can tell the whole truth, even your proper age! • DAWN: 31 and four months. • BOBBY: Hey? • DAWN: 32 and four months. 33... four... • Help us caption translate this video! • http://amara.org/v/UIaD/