Vagus Nerve Reset
Ever feel like you need to apply the brake pedal on your body? The vagus nerve is just that -- it keeps your immune system in check and helps module the release of hormones and neurotransmitters that play a crucial role in determining our physiological and psychological state. Try these two simple exercises and see if they help with symptoms of acute or chronic stress. These come from the book Accessing the Healing Power of the Vagus Nerve by Stanley Rosenberg. Please note that in this video, you can see that I am not performing the exercise perfectly. You don't have to either! Good enough is good enough. • . • . • Yael's Weekly gentle yoga class: • Gentle PM Yoga • Weekly on Tuesdays • 6-7:15pm ET • via Zoom (until further notice) • with Yael Flusberg, C-IAYT, E-RYT500, RM/T, MS • Enjoy a greater sense of well-being and enhanced energy in our gentle yoga classes. Learn various yoga postures, techniques in progressive relaxation, breathing practices, and meditation to help reduce stress, as well as balance mind, body, and spirit. • Our classes are specifically designed for adults facing stress, cancer, or other illness and are open to anyone interested in attending. All levels are welcome. • Register at or by emailing [email protected] • . • . • About Yael Flusberg: • Yael Flusberg first came to yoga hoping she could get rid of stuff, namely the ways life’s stresses and traumas had become painfully embodied. Fifteen years and thousands of layers of release later, yoga continues to teach her how to make strategic, creative, and life-nourishing choices. Trained as an integrative yoga therapist, Yael’s classes blend active with receptive states of being, and are both insightful and lighthearted. Off the mat, she is a coach, writer and energy therapist. Since 2005, Yael has taught yoga classes at area hospitals, libraries, workplaces, schools, and yoga studios. As an integrative yoga therapist (E-RYT500) she facilitates both group and individual yoga therapy sessions, working with people dealing with a variety of conditions including cancer, digestive disorders, diabetes, eating disorders, fibromyalgia, hypertension, mental health challenges (including depression, anxiety, grief and trauma), rheumatoid arthritis, scoliosis, and sports injuries. She currently teaches a weekly therapeutic class for people living with cancer and their caregivers on GW’s campus. More info: • . • . • #transformcancer #healingarts #ayacancer #healing #yoga #gentleyoga