Determine If Ear Cartilage Is Infected Ear Problems
Watch more How to Deal with Ear Problems videos: • • We have cartilage throughout our bodies. You have cartilage in the tip of your nose, you know that we have cartilage in all of our joints, and the majority of your ear, the external part of your ear, is cartilage, you can feel it and you can bend it. Except the very lobe, down here, which is only fat. • Ear cartilage is quite resistant to infection. The most common problems that occur with ear cartilage are traumatic, such as when boxers get hit over the ear, or when someone falls and has an accident, and you get a little swelling, or what we might call a hematoma, a collection of blood, in the ear cartilage. • If the ear cartilage were to get infected, it would become red and swollen, and it would be extremely painful to the touch. And the treatment for infected ear cartilage would be usually oral antibiotics.