Forward vs Deferred Rendering Explained
Contents: • 0:00 - Intro • 0:25 - Rendering • 1:13 - Forward Rendering • 4:38 - Deferred Rendering • 7:08 - When to use Forward vs Deferred • In this video, we will explore the differences between forward rendering and deferred rendering. • Forward rendering is a rendering process where each object is drawn directly to the screen one by one in the order they are defined in the scene. This process is best suited for smaller scenes with fewer lights and simpler lighting models. • On the other hand, deferred rendering captures the lighting information for all objects in a single pass into a G-Buffer, and then draws to the screen in a later pass, making it ideal for large and complex scenes with many lights and complex lighting models. • Don't miss out on this video, be sure to subscribe for more content like this!