Rega Fono Mini A2D my view on budget kit


Interestingly, easily listenable for hours on end! This Rega Fono Mini A2D is hugely enjoyable :-D • There are people who say that a VERY GOOD MM setup meaning a $1k MM cartridge, with a $1.5k MM phonostage, can give a $2k MC + $4k MC phonostage a RUN FOR ITS MONEY… but heh, with this Rega Mini A2D at $150-160 matched with a $300 MMcartridge CAN ACTUALLY GIVE MORE ENJOYMENT than a poorly set up $2kMCcart+$4kMCphonostage bought based on a fat wallet and marketing hype. So for the young vinyl fans… don’t fret if you do have the RP1 and this Rega Mini. THERE IS NOTHING BELITTLING ABOUT having a modest MM setup. IT IS MORE THAN OKAY!!!! Please!!!!!! You are actually enjoying music far better than some others using a US$3000+ MC phonostage e.g. Whest 3 Signature and Whest PS.30RDT costing 20times as much but having uneven unbalanced tonality and harsh, electrical sounding. • Dear friends, again i reiterate that I will truthful to you. I owe it to your viewership and trust. • And thus I will cut to the chase and cut off what has been said on magazine online or on your newsstands, because we all had our experience of buying some highly regarded kit without audition and proper comparison, only to bring it home and to find them sounding totally far off, SOOOO FAR OFF from what is stated. Yes we may all ascribe to the possibility of system matching and different hearing preferences… but sometimes, such products can perform consistently soooooo bad in whatever system you put them in, your 1st system, your 2nd room system, your friends’ systems… and after a few times we begin to realise that magazine online or offline, their reviews have always to be taken with a huge pinch of salt when you see advertising monies splashed on their pages and websites. • I have no sponsors nor advertisers. • Probably the advertisers you ever see here…randomly distributed and plonked on my video, is an Audi ad, your local country Biscuit ad, a fresh mint advertisement! And not related to what i am doing here. • So no possible contaminant from advertisers! Some of the hifi kit are borrowed or loaned from hifi retailers, and I make sure these will be the cool ones who will not care if I write anything NEGATIVE or DISAPPROVING of their products I am going to review. Those retailers who couldn't take negative and disapproving comments from me, I kindly strike them off my list. • I have to be truthful to you, my friends. An ounce of truth, trounces a ton of lies. • A teaching I received from, a teacher... • Thank you, teacher. • In life, the aim is not to be better than others. • The aim is to be better FOR others. • Best of Regards to you my Friends-in-Vinyl, my dear Vinyl Community, • Ian always. • Music used with permission from • •


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