custom quotDIYquot bass box ampeg style
For full information on Ampeg Portaflex Series bass heads and enclosures visit • This video is all about the shelf-ported extension cabs for the Portaflex Series, released in 2012. There are two models. The PF-410HLF and PF-115LF. • The Ampeg PF-410HLF bass enclosure delivers the performance, looks and affordability of the popular Portaflex series in a powerful, shelf-ported design that hits hard and low. Handling 800 watts and featuring four 10″ Eminence® drivers and a selectable HF driver, the PF-410HLF is the perfect cab for any high-powered head. • The Ampeg PF-115LF bass enclosure delivers the performance, looks and affordability of the popular Portaflex series in a powerful, shelf-ported design that hits hard and low. Handling 400 watts and featuring a single 15″ Eminence® driver, the PF-115LF sounds great and looks even better.