Smart Academy HVAC102 How to Meg Ohm a Motor
This is a general overview of how to meg-ohm a motor (using a megger) courtesy of Mike Green. • Smart Family of Cooling Products is a manufacturer of refrigeration and cooling products for the commercial and industrial markets. Our parent company, Combined Refrigeration Resources, has been doing business since 1991. • We have manufacturing facilities in both the USA and Malaysia to better serve our customers. We specialize in the manufacture of air water-cooled chillers, evaporative condensed chillers, low-temperature chillers, custom explosion-proof chillers, rooftop central station air handling units, dedicated outside air systems, stainless steel air handling units, package air conditioning units, split system a/c units, energy recovery heat pumps, custom pump packages, polyethylene or stainless steel process fluid tanks, pump-tank packages, and chillers air handling units for the rental industry. • Contact Smart Family of Cooling for more information online at • or by phone: 281-542-3334 • Stay up to date with us on our social media: • Facebook: / wall • Twitter: / smartcooling • Subscribe to our channel for more informative videos!