Ceilidh Tree Virginia Reel Ceilidh Band

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=rIGfPeI609U

The Virginia Reel is one of Ceilidh Tree's all time favourite ceilidh dances. We usually include it early on in a set as it's so quick to teach and also helps us start with a bit of a bang! Learn more about ceilidh band Ceilidh Tree at https://ceilidhtree.co.uk • The two long lines and all important final gallop in Virginia Reel can make this a showstopper. It works great as a wedding ceilidh first dance with the bride and groom at the top of the set receiving an extra loud whoop when they gallop down. It incorporates elements of Scottish, Irish and English dances so we can get away with including it whatever the occasion! • As a very busy ceilidh band we've witnessed more than a few gallops in our time... The best emerge spontaneously from those dancefloors where couples try to outdo each other in creating ever wackier ways of making that final journey. Roly polys, back flips, moonwalks, gangnams, fireman's lifts, manically legging it down the set or just an understated body pop. • Our version of Virginia Reel is a tweak on the classic, perhaps not for the ceilidh purists as it loses the usual casting out section. This means we can get it going quicker, fit everything into 32 bars of high octane revelry and put greater focus on the all important gallop. • If you're looking for a ceilidh band for your wedding, Scottish or Irish event, barn dance or other shindig then we'd love to hear from you - full details at https://ceilidhtree.co.uk


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