Fire LogDouble Pigeon Pose Tutorial Beginner
This is one of those poses that requires a lot of mobility in the hips so it isn't always easy to do. There are a few ways to modify it, so we'll go over those as well as the correct alignment so you can feel it every time :) • Love this class? Just to show my gratitude for practicing with me, I wanna give you 50% off on your first month of Bad Yogi Studio (usually $11.99/month) or Bad Yogi Studio Plus (usually $29.99). You'll also get the first two weeks FREE. Just enter this coupon code at checkout: YOUTUBE50. You can check out the studio here: • Not ready for that? No prob! Sign up for the Wednesday Weekly, my newsletter that includes inspiration to keep you in a positive head-space, fun body facts, book recommendations, fave products, monthly giveaways that only subscribers get access to, and SO much more: