Santiago v Rumsfeld


Santiago v. Rumsfeld - U.S. Court of Appeals - 186185-1-DVD - 2005-04-06 - The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th District heard oral argument in the case of Santiago v. Rumsfeld. Sergeant Emiliano Santiago, a member of the Oregon Army National Guard, had two weeks left of an 8-year agreement to serve in the National Guard when was he ordered to Afghanistan for a year or more. Sergeant Santiago sought an injunction to stop his deployment to Afghanistan while he challenged the stop loss order that requires him to remain in the military beyond the term of his enlistment contract. After hearing oral argument, the Ninth Circuit's three-judge panel affirmed the lower court's decision in favor of the government's argument and denied an injunction to stop Sergeant Santiago's deployment to Afghanistan. The case was heard in the moot courtroom of the University of Washington School of Law. Filmed by C-SPAN. Non-commercial use only. For more information, see


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