Proprioception Increase Your Proprioception Proprioception Beyond the Five Senses
A Yoga Tune Up® classic exercise is Propellor Arms - the ability for your arms to make skyward circular movements together in opposite directions, like a propellor. This exercise is one of the most confusing exercises on the YTU menu. • Jill uses this exercise to demonstrate how to map your body for performance. Mapping is used to stimulate the many mechanoreceptors, muscles, fascia, nerve endings and even joint capsules to wake up the tissues (proprioception), facilitate specific movement and increase have better motor control. • Starting with broad strokes using the Coregeous Ball to a more targeted approach with the Therapy Ball PLUS, Jill maps her body’s parts to help her brain and body understand the directions of movement in the tissues. • Jill continues mapping with specific exercises that mimic the desired movement. Using a prop for stability like a strap, builds feedback from the joint proprioceptors to the brain - it allows you to feel into the joint’s movement. Removing the prop and creating the same movement allows the muscle tissues to move and control the joint, creating muscular feedback for that motion. • The end result is the propeller-like movement of the arms, with acute proprioception of each movement. • Use this guide to help you map your body for your movement challenges. • Learn more about proprioception in our latest article: