Weather modification tech How cloud seeding increases rainfall
Unlike most other storm videos. The UNCUT part of the title in this video really means UNCUT . I began filming immediately after the Severe Thunderstorm Warning was issued for my area and didn't stop until the storm was completely clear of my area. I didn't cut segments like 90 percent of storm channels do. So if you are looking for a video that shows the entire process of a storm approaching and passing with no gaps in the filming, then you can finally stop anxiously browsing the search results, because you found one! • The shelf cloud from this storm was incredibly tall and awesome! When it passed me, it was as if a whale swallowed everything in sight! • I did have to go in my car around halfway through the video. Getting struck by lightning was not on my agenda that day. I also had to drive away from the park for a period of time because I was worried about a branch falling on my car. Looking back, I definitely would have been fine, but I was unsure after seeing that shelf cloud. • Around the 30 minute mark, it briefly began to hail. They were smaller than peas but it was still incredible because I don't really see hail that often in northeastern Illinois. • I apologize for those stupid cicadas. If you’re annoyed by them, chances are I was even more annoyed about them than you while filming. I get it lol. • Similar video here!! • • **UNCUT** Severe Thunderstorm Slams W... • Severe Weather, Shelf cloud, Uncut, Approaching, Thunderstorm footage, heavy rain