How to do the TFT Trauma Relief Technique
In this video, you will learn how to do the Thought Field Therapy (TFT) Trauma Relief Technique. It may look weird or seem unbelievable that something like tapping places on your body could help with feeling better, but people all over the world have shared their testimonies of it for over 30 years. • If you are suffering from the distress of a trauma, give this a try. You might be surprised at how tapping some meridian points on your body can help you feel more at ease and just minutes. • If, after going through this a couple of times, you find you want more relief, do the Collarbone Breathing Exercise: • How to do the TFT Collarbone Breathin... • Then repeat the TFT trauma relief technique. • My hope is this will shift something for you and it will help you to experience more emotional freedom and peace of mind. • 🔷 Subscribe to empower yourself in joyful living: • 🔷 Would you like to experience more peace and inspiration in your life? Start your FREE 4-Day Inspired Living Mini Course today: • SUPPORT OUR CHANNEL - If you find our free YouTube videos helpful and would like to support what we do here, your contributions are most welcome at this link: • • Please make sure to take responsibility for your own wellbeing. All materials provided on this YouTube channel are provided for informational or educational purposes only and are not intended to be, or serve as a substitute for, professional medical/psychological advice, examination, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified professional with any questions you may have regarding a psychological or medical condition. Never disregard professional advice or medical advice or delay in seeking it because of information you accessed on or through any portion of the Tap Into Now YouTube channel. • I also recommend the book, Tapping the Healer Within, by Dr. Roger Callahan (the founder of TFT). • With love, • Julie • #tapintonow