
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ :) • A question that I have been getting a lot recently is “what is Pathophysiology How to Study for Pathophysiology? • First I think that it is important to understand what the word Pathophysiology actually means. Once you break down the the word though, I think it makes the course seem a little more doable.... more text below these links ;) • Here is the link to the audio: • • Here is a link to the NCLEX Review book that I used: • • Here is a link to: How to Succeed in Nursing School video: •    • How to Succeed in Nursing School - My...   • Here is a link to the Audio: • Please give me 24 hours to produce this! Sorry for the delay... but check back my love!! • Before we do this though, I just want you guys to know that none of this os “common sense.” So don’t ever feel like you are not super intelligent for not understanding things right away. It took me long time to understand this information: but I do hope this video helps you along the way! • Also, just fyi, I’m making this video into an audio as well so you can take me along with you ;) Just look in the description below for a link! I hope you enjoy! • So breaking down the word: Pathophysiology: • Patho-: is derived from the Greek word pathos meaning suffering or disease. Patho- serves as a prefix for many terms including pathogen • Physio the scientific study of function in living systems • Ology - means: the study of • One of the things that makes pathophysiology so difficult is that you must have full understanding the of normal functioning of the organ to understand how the functioning of the organ can occur when disease is present. • In order to properly care for you patient, you must have full understanding of their disease process so that you can anticipate their needs properly care for them :) • Etology - is a word that you will see a lot and this means the cause, causes or manner of causation of a disease or condition. So what you are looking for with “Pathophysiology is” what is the cause or in other words what is the: “Pathogen” • Some pathogens can be: Virus, bacteria, fungi, environmental and also “Multi-Factorial” which means a number of different causes. • In class pathophysiology will be broken down into systems: For example: Cardiovascular Disorders, Respiratory Disorders, Neurologic Disorders and so on so forth. Since there are many different diseases with each system this class can be quite challenging. • So in this video I’m going to go over some different disease processes and show you pathophysiology in action…… with a quick review of normal functioning first.


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