SFM FNaF Hoaxes vs Corrupted
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Have you fallen for some of these hoaxes that had us fooled? We all know the cost of being too gullible, from getting caught trying to lick your elbow to say the world gullible without touching the top of your mouth with your tongue, we all get caught from time to time. The people in this list thought took it to another level! These are some of the largest, nationwide hoaxes to ever appear. Get ready, because these 25 Hoaxes that Had Us Fooled will have you laughing. • Remember Balloon Boy? The story created by two parents with too much time on their hands that said their son was flying attached to a helium balloon? Or the “Fiji Mermaid” that PT Barnum carried around the country with his circus? How about the Jackalope? This classic hoax from the US has all the elements of a perfect story including strange facts (did you know female jackalopes can be milked while sleeping) and a healthy fear of the creature. Or what about the first hoax to ever sweep the internet - the 1994 rumor that Microsoft was buying the Catholic Church. Get ready to laugh that we fell for these crazy internet rumors and hoaxes, and make sure to leave us a comment letting us know which hoax you think we missed and what list you’d like to see from us next! • Full List, Photo Credits, and Sources: https://list25.com/25-hoaxes-that-had... • SUBSCRIBE - http://bit.ly/2uwq6BJ • Check out our store: https://teespring.com/stores/list25-swag • Follow us on: • List25 Facebook - / list25 • List25 Instagram: / list25 • List25 Twitter - / list25 • List25 Pinterest: / list25 • See more Top 25 lists on our website: • http://list25.com • We’ve all seen a good convincing hoax, remember the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus? This oldie but a goodie made rounds across many early email inboxes until it was disproven. A similar hoax? The pickled dragon - a fake dragon in formaldehyde with forged papers - fooled many until the press uncovered that the hoax was done just to boost book sales. You may not have heard about the Piltdown Man, a creative fabrication, this time of mix of orangutan and human bones designed to provide evidence for early alternative humans. But while fabricating evidence is always an easy way to get buy in on a hoax, the Psychic Surgery hoax fooled many before being shut down by the US Federal Trade Commission. Ready to learn about forged photographs, alien autopsies, Hitler Diaries, lonelygirl15, and find Kara? Make sure to watch this list all the way to the end to see which amazing hoaxes made our top 10! • Music Credit: Flex by Jeremy Blake • #List25 #TodayILearned #Hoaxes