Dragon Ball Z Extreme Butoden How to Unlock SSGSS Goku and SSJ4 Vegeta
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=rTBWAdPytEY
Here is some more footage of Dragon Ball Z Extreme Butoden for the Nintendo 3DS! Today, I'll be showing you how to unlock SSGSS Goku and SSJ4 Vegeta! Enjoy! • SSGSS Goku - Up, X, Down, B, A, A, Left, A, A, Up, X, Down, B, A, A, Left, A, A, Right, A • SSJ4 Vegeta - Down, Down, Right, Right, Up, Left, Up, Left, B, A, Y, A, B, Y, X • If you enjoyed this video, don't forget to like the video, share it, and subscribe to my channel! Also, if you want to be apart of my gameplay videos, add me on PSN, Wii U, and 3DS! • You like what you see? Subscribe here! • https://www.youtube.com/subscription_... • What's on your mind? Do you have any questions? Ask me on ask! • http://ask.fm/ndukauba • Want to know when my next video will be up? Follow me on Twitter! • / q_ndukauba • Add me on PSN, Wii U, and 3DS! • PSN ID: Ndukauba • Nintendo Network ID: Ndukauba • Steam: Ndukauba • (Personal) Nintendo 3DS Friend Code: 4184-3452-4459 • (Gameplay) Nintendo 3DS Friend Code: 4656-8073-6666