Kickoff Drill Circuit Wiley
Now one thing that we started here three years ago that we don’t know about which I believe is made a huge difference on our special teams we went from being one in eleven run eleventh out of twelve teams and special teams to be in number one to our last three years this past June we finished number one special teams overall and the year before we finished off second and three years ago our first year taking over this we started out we finished first the reasoning why is the emphasis of the entire staff and the entire team of understanding the importance of special teams so what we do is we break up the entire team into five groups and I’m gonna go through how we break this up it will be easy for your teams to do but this is the first thing we do right after stretch we’ll have a kick off circuit station one okay station one let me back up there sorry station one station one this is where the offensive line okay is gonna go it will always be the same spot on the field every time we go to circuit work how we break it up guys we’re gonna kick off circuit kickoff return circuit we have a punt block circuit also but tonight we’re gonna talk about a kick off circuit the offensive line will go with station one and their gonna work on splitting the double team. • For more football drill videos visit • Buy Your Glazier Season pass: • #GlazierClinics