How To Treat Psoriasis On ScalpEasy Natural Remedies
Article published: 18 June 2014 • Read the full text at: • Video 1: 70-year-old patient with Parkinson's disease. There is camptocormia. There is a 4–6 Hz pill-rolling rest-tremor more on the right than the left. The tremor ceases initially at posture only to re-emerge after few seconds-a characteristic feature in Parkinson's disease. Severe bradykinesia is greater on the right than the left upper limb. • Video 2: 65-year-old patient with moderate generalised chorea due to genetically proven Huntington's disease. There is chorea in the face involving the mouth and the eyebrows. There is mild distal chorea of the arms and the legs. Chorea is evident also in the trunk and while walking. • Video 3: 60-year-old patient with cervical dystonia. There is tremulous torticollis to the left. There is decreased range of movement while trying to turn the head to the right. There is mild dystonic posturing of the hands evident at posture, more on the left than the right. By touching his chin with his hand (sensory geste or geste antagonistique) he manages to reduce the intensity of his symptoms for some minutes. • Video 4: 60-year-old patient with myoclonus-dystonia, which was tested positive for the DYT11 gene. Her symptoms started at the age of 6. She has mild cervical dystonia, and marked myoclonic jerks in the neck, trunk, and upper limbs, more on the right than the left, and much less on the lower limbs. She has a jerky tremor while writing, more on the right than the left. • Video 5: 25-year-old patient with Tourette's syndrome since the age of 10. She has vocal tics and several motor tics, involving the eyes, face, neck, and shoulders. • Copyright: The Lancet