TONYA ROZATTI é nossa convidada desta sexta ! Moscou é a cidade para onde nós vamos para saber mais sobre esta baterista. Bate aquele strogonoff no almoço e depois cola com a gente aqui ! • Tonya started playing the drums as an adult following her heart. • There were many events, everything was happening so fast. Pretty soon as a part of the band «Jet Kids» they reached the semi-finals of the popular TV project in Russia «STS lights a superstar 2». After that there was time of big concerts and touring (the music festival «Metro on stage», graduations shows at Luzhniki Stadium, Roll Hall, Olympic Stadium), also there were many other concerts and festivals, not that huge but still exciting (the anniversary of «Distemper», «The main punk rock stage in Russia»). • Jet Kids also made it to the finals of the selection for «Eurovision» from Russia in 2010 and 2012. • Next years Tonya devoted herself to practice and education, she was having individual classes with the qualified teacher to improve her playing technique. • The winner of the contests: • by Alex Sparrow (Russian singer) and took a part in the video • -«Typical Drummergirl 2018» (In the community on VK «Typical Drummergirl») • Meanwhile Tonya worked as session drummer. • Now Tonya: • is a second year student of the Music College at The Gnesin's Academy; • Runs a profile on Instagram and TikTok • Plays in the international projects «Romanuke», «Beyond Time Zones» • Plays in the band «nazlo» • Participates in international All-Band-Cover with other musicians. • • #girlsondrumsfestival #live93 #femaledrummer #moscowdrummer #tonyarozatti #mulheresbateristas #drummerlife


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