Introducing BKM Series70 Greenville Roblox
The fictionalized BMW now has an OFFICIAL name! This name is from Ivy on her Instagram, all photos and videos are from her Instagram @5r4u__. I am very excited about this update, and I bet many people are excited as well. I think it is coming tomorrow since a couple of YouTubers made car reviews, and they usually do those the day before, or a couple of days before the update comes out, so I think it is time for them to release the update already. If you have not seen it, go check out th3c0nnman's Chevy Tahoe Suburban review! He reviews most of the trims, 11 out of 30 trims. 30 trims is a lot in total, and I don't even know if that includes the OCSO, FD, PD variants. If you enjoyed this video, please drop a like, hit that subscribe button, and I will see you in the next video. • Instagram: / greenvillegeekofficial