Why Does Your Left Quadratus Lumborum Hurt

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The quadratus lumborum muscle is often painful when people complain of lower back pain. However, trying to directly treat the quadratus lumborum is usually not productive because the quadratus lumborum is just the victim of dysfunction elsewhere in the body. • On the left side, the QL gets overactive to try and support the pelvis when you are on your left leg and you've lost stability in the left hip. The QL should be active when your weight is on the left leg, but you shouldn't feel it. You don't feel it because the hip musculature (left hamstring, adductor, and glute medius) should do most of the work. • But in the presence of left hip weakness, the left QL will start too work overtime. It can also be stressed out due to the rightward pull of the bigger right diaphragm muscles that rotates the lumbar spine to the right. • https://pritrainer.com/pri-left-aic-r...


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