PHOTONS do not experience TIME


In this video we are talking about three different phenomena , which shows us the weird effects of time. First , since photons travels at the speed of light they do not experience time. Thus spin of photons never flips. Second , Neutrinos were first predicted to be massless. But we have observed neutrino oscillations , since neutrinos can't oscillate without experiencing time , they can't be massless. As massless particles cannot experience time. • Third , when cosmic ray hit our atmosphere they create lots of muons , but given the average lifetime of these muons they shouldn't reach the surface , yet they do because these muons are moving very fast so time runs slower for them and they reach the surface. • time stamps : • 00:00 Introduction • 00:58 Photons do not experience time • 02:01 neutrinos do experience time , therefore... • 03:08 effects of time dilation on muons • links : • My Blog : • Thanks For watching. • Written , Presented and Edited by : • PRIYANSH


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