Авиакатастрофа Суперджета 5 мая 2019 года в Шереметьево Аэрофлот Superjet100 Aeroflot
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=rhcfydABdBo
On English with subtitles • Sukhoi Superjet-100. Sheremetyevo, 5 ... • This reconstruction is a video version of an official preliminary IAC report (https://mak-iac.org/upload/iblock/4e4.... It also includes specifics, taken out of blogs run by active pilots. • Based on the IAC report, the crew captain was examined for direct mode flight two and a half years before the tragedy. He passed with top grades. • Answers to most popular questions: • 1. Are traffic controllers the actual pilots of today? • No, it's not true. Although the technology of flight relies on the help of computers and various systems, it is the pilot's job to configure it all. Pilots constantly monitor the systems and project aircraft's behaviour both future and current. Critical situations go without mention. It is true that most pilots don't fly manually these days and the changes of flight techniques have changed drastically over the past decade. Still, number of disasters have actually decreased. • 2. Side stick makes flying difficult, compared to traditional helm. • This is not true. Such system has been implemented by Airbus quite some time ago and proves to be a comfortable aid to piloting. It is mainly a question of training. • 3. Did Superjet have a poorly configured side stick? • Based on official IAC reports, the answer is no.