The fight to save Australias endangered species Four Corners
The fight to save Australia's endangered species. • Australia boasts a stunning array of unique wildlife. They feature on our coat of arms and they're placed front and centre in our tourism campaigns. But the reality is, many of our native animals are in danger. • Australia has one of the worst extinction rates on the planet and the problem is growing. There are currently more than 500 animal species under threat. • Four Corners investigates how Australia has found itself in the midst of an extinction crisis. • There is heated debate over who is responsible and what lengths governments should go to, to save these threatened species. • Four Corners goes into the field with leading scientists and conservation volunteers to document first hand the fight to save these wild creatures. Our camera captures precious pictures of some of these endangered animals. • With money in short supply, many rescue efforts are reliant on volunteers and crowdfunding. • Ecologists say these species are just as priceless as a work of art and should be protected in the same way. • They warn that species extinction will have consequences for us all. • --------------------- • Watch more Four Corners investigations here: • You can also like us on Facebook: / abc4corners • Follow us on Twitter: / 4corners • And sign up to our newsletter: • --------------------- • This program features contributions from: • ANDROO KELLY, Trowunna Wildlife Sanctuary, Tasmania • JAMES TREZISE, Australian Conservation Foundation • PROF. DAVID LINDENMAYER, Ecologist, Australian National University • SUSSAN LEY, Federal Environment Minister • DR BRONWYN FANCOURT, Ecologist, University of New England • PROF. BRENDAN WINTLE, Threatened Species Hub • STEVE MEACHER, Friends of Leadbeater’s Possum • ROSS HAMPTON, Australian Forest Products Association • PROF. JOHN WOINARSKI, Conservation Biologist, Charles Darwin University • SARAH REES, My Environment • DANIEL ANDREWS, Victorian Premier • DR DEJAN STOJANOVIC, Conservation Biologist, Australian National University • DR ROBERT CLEMENS, Migratory shorebird expert • JUDITH HOYLE, BirdLife Australia