Tudo sobre Ácido dAspártico
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Ácido D-aspártico, aumenta massa muscular? • Vale o investimento? Causa hipertrofia? • Clique e confira se esse suplemento cumpre o que promete? • Quer marcar consulta? Agende agora! • Rio de Janeiro: (21) 99552-0111 • São Paulo: (11) 3150-4040 (11)2385-1787 (11)2385-1775 • Apoio: @farmanunes @crossfitgladiusrio • • References: • 0-Geoffrey W. Meçville, Jason C Siegler, Paul W. M. Marshall2017 The effects os d-aspartic acid supplementation in resistence-trained men over a three month training period: A randomised controlled trial PLoS ONE 12(8): e0182630 • 1. Dunlop DS, Neidle A, McHale D. The presence of free D-aspartic acid in rodents and man. Biochemical • and Biophysical Research Communications. 1986; 141(1):27–32. PMID: 3801000 • 2. Neidle A, Dunlop DS. Developmental changes in free D-aspartic acid in the chicken embryo and in the • neonatal rat. Life Sciences. 1990; 46(21):1517–22. PMID: 2355797 • 3. D’Aniello A, Di Fiore MM, Fisher GH, Milone A, Seleni A, D’Aniello S, et al. Occurrence of D-aspartic acid and N-methyl-D-aspartic acid in rat neuroendocrine tissues and their role in the modulation of luteinizing hormone and growth hormone release. FASEB Journal. 2000; 14(5):699–714. PMID: 10744627 • 4. D’Aniello A, Di Cosmo A, Di Cristo C, Annunziato L, Petrucelli L, Fisher G. Involvement of D-aspartic acid in the synthesis of testosterone in rat testes. Life Sciences. 1996; 59(2):97–104. PMID: 8699926 • 5. Nagata Y, Homma H, Lee JA, Imai K. D-Aspartate stimulation of testosterone synthesis in rat Leydig cells. FEBS Letters. 1999; 444(2–3):160–4. PMID: 10050750 • 6. Topo E, Soricelli A, D’Aniello A, Ronsini S, D’Aniello G. The role and molecular mechanism of D-aspar- tic acid in the release and synthesis of LH and testosterone in humans and rats. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology. 2009; 7(120):1482–8. • 7. D’Aniello G, Ronsini S, Notari T, Grieco N, Infante V, D’Angel N, et al. d-Aspartate, a key element for the improvement of sperm quality. Advances in Sexual Medicine. 2012; 2(4):45–53. • 8. Inoue K, Yamasaki S, Fushiki T, Okada Y, Sugimoto E. Androgen receptor antagonist suppresses exer- cise-induced hypertrophy of skeletal muscle. European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology. 1994; 69(1):88–91. PMID: 7957162 • 9. Ferrando AA, Tipton KD, Doyle D, Phillips SM, Cortiella J, Wolfe RR. Testosterone injection stimulates net protein synthesis but not tissue amino acid transport. American Journal of Physiology—Endocrinol- ogy and Metabolism. 1998; 275(5 38–5):E864–E71. • 10. Herbst KL, Bhasin S. Testosterone action on skeletal muscle. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care. 2004; 7(3):271–7. PMID: 15075918 • 11. Melville GW, Siegler JC, Marshall PWM. Three and six grams supplementation of d-aspartic acid in resistance trained men. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. 2015; 12(1):1–6. • 12. Willoughby DS, Leutholtz B. D-Aspartic acid supplementation combined with 28 days of heavy resis- tance training has no effect on body composition, muscle strength, and serum hormones associated with the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis in resistance-trained men. Nutrition Research. 2013; 33 (10):803–10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nutres.2013... PMID: 24074738 • 13. Maughan R, Watson JS, Weir J. Strength and cross-sectional area of human skeletal muscle. The Jour- nal of physiology. 1983; 338:37. PMID: 6875963 • 14. Liu Y, Schlumberger A, Wirth K, Schmidtbleicher D, Steinacker JM. Different effects on human skeletal myosin heavy chain isoform expression: strength vs. combination training. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2003; 94(6):2282–8. • 15. Van Cutsem M, Duchateau J, Hainaut K. Changes in single motor unit behaviour contribute to the increase in contraction speed after dynamic training in humans. Journal of Physiology. 1998; 513 (1):295–305. • 16. Aagaard P, Simonsen EB, Andersen JL, Magnusson P, Dyhre-Poulsen P. Neural adaptation to resis- tance training: Changes in evoked V-wave and H-reflex responses. Journal of Applied Physiology. 2002; 92(6):2309–18. https://doi.org/10.1152/japplphysiol.... PMID: 12015341 • 17. del Olmo MF, Reimunde P, Viana O, Acero RM, Cudeiro J. Chronic neural adaptation induced by long- term resistance training in humans. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2006; 96(6):722–8. https://doi.org/10.1007/ s00421-006-0153-5 PMID: 16506058 • 18. Carroll TJ, Barton J, Hsu M, Lee M. The effect of strength training on the force of twitches evoked by corticospinal stimulation in humans. Acta Physiologica. 2009; 197(2):161–73. https://doi.org/10.1111/j. 1748-1716.2009.01992.x PMID: 19392872