2A3SE vs EL34SE triode connected

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=rnaEc9omr18

How is the sound of 2A3-SE and EL34 SE (triode connected) different? • Both the voltage amplification circuit is SRPP. 12 AX 7 and 6 SL 7 are approximately the same vacuum tube whose amplification factor is different by about 30%. • The triode connected of EL 34 uses NFB, but 2A3 is no feedback. • SRPP of 6SL7 may be slightly underdrive voltage, but since output of USB-DAC is about 2V, it can be driven until 2A3 saturates. • Why does 2A3 have a lower damping factor, less output, and more distortion sound more comfortable?? • Furthermore, I suppose it is inappropriate to drive SCANSPEAK's LUMINE with a powerless tube amp, but it seems to be wrong. • • signal chain: PC~TOPPING D10~ 2A3 or EL34~ SCANSPEAK LUMINE~ZOOM H5~YT • • 2A3 0:00 • EL34 2:46


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