Cheapest Real Time NSE Data Feed HINDI
Which is the cheapest Real Time NSE Data Feed provider was the most asked query after i posted videos on most popular trading software in India. As i shared that currently i am using MetaTrader4 and paying Rs 400 per month for the Real Time NSE Data Feed. The viewers of this channel wrote to me to share from i am availing the Cheapest Real Time NSE Data Feed. The reason being, many viewers are paying Rs 750 or Rs 1000 for the Real Time NSE Data Feed. • Also, i would like to add that it is not a recommendation or endorsement from my end to enroll a Real Time NSE Data Feed from a particular provider. In my future videos, i will share how to use MetaTrader4 more effectively. • If you liked this video, You can Subscribe to my YouTube Channel. The link is as follows • • By subscribing, You can daily watch a new Educational and Informative video in your own Hindi language. • For more such interesting and informative content, join me at: • Website: • T: / nitinbhatia121 • G+: #NitinBhatia