Phylum Nemertea Rhynchocoela The ribbon worms
Although most turbellarians (Platyhelminthes) are direct developers (embryos hatch as miniature adults), some polyclads have free-swimming larvae. The most common type of larva, known as Müller's larva, has 8 ciliated lobes or arms. The larva swims continuously and stays in the plankton for a few days or weeks. • The vídeo was recorded in the laboratories of the Centro de Biologia Marinha, University of São Paulo, São Sebastião, SP, Brazil (CEBIMar-USP) ( The larva was filmed alive under a stereomicroscope. • Support • CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, Edital MCT/CNPq nº 42/2007 - Difusão e Popularização da C T (processo nº 551951/2008-7). • More images of marine creatures at