NGONI NA GATHAIYA TENE NIÙNGIA HÙRIRIWO ÙKONA WITE CUCU AGÙTEITHIE • 0:00 Mukebe • 10:24 Baara • 25:01 Ni kairitu • In the past, the approach to disciplining children was generally much harsher and more physical compared to modern practices. Many cultures placed significant emphasis on corporal punishment, believing it was essential for teaching respect, obedience, and moral values. Tools like canes, belts, or switches were commonly used by parents, teachers, and other authority figures to address misbehavior. The saying spare the rod, spoil the child was often cited, highlighting the belief that strict punishment was crucial for a child's development. Discipline tended to be more authoritarian, with children expected to adhere to rules without question. Respect for elders and authority figures was highly valued, and any form of disobedience or backtalk was met with immediate and severe repercussions. In addition to physical punishment, children might be given extra chores or grounded, reinforcing lessons about hard work and responsibility. Public shaming or scolding was also prevalent, as it was thought that the fear of embarrassment would prevent future misbehavior. The responsibility of disciplining children was often shared among parents, extended family, and neighbors, reflecting a community approach to child-rearing. However, this strict discipline often limited open communication and emotional expression between parents and children, creating an environment of fear and respect rather than one of understanding and trust. As societal attitudes evolved, many began to reconsider the effectiveness and emotional impact of such severe methods, paving the way for the more compassionate and communicative parenting styles we observe today, where understanding, reasoning, and positive reinforcement are key in shaping children's behavior. • Hey remember to show your support by subscribing. • #ngonithuita #mansaimonakata