McGruff Dont talk to Strangers PSA 1984


One of McGruff the Crime Dog’s® first and most iconic public service announcements from the 80's that aired nationwide, Jenny reminds kids to be aware of their surroundings and to be safe by being smart. • McGruff the Crime Dog and NCPC envision a world where people feel safe and are active participants in keeping themselves and others from becoming victims of crime. Today’s world contains an increasing array of threats to public health and safety. Deaths from guns, illicit drugs, and automobile fatalities from illegal acts are driving a historic decline in U.S. life expectancy. Public support and involvement in crime prevention will reduce this trend. The transformation to a digital age can and must include new ways to harness technology to enhance the physical, financial, and mental security of the public. • To learn more about McGruff and preventing crime in your community, visit and • Follow McGruff and the NCPC: • Facebook:   / mcgruffatncpc   • Instagram:   / mcgruffatncpc   • TikTok: • YouTube:    / @mcgruffthecrimedogncpc   • X: • LinkedIn:   / national-crime-prevention-council   • McGruff the Crime Dog® and Take A Bite Out Of Crime® are registered marks of the National Crime Prevention Council.


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