How Our Prayers Get to God—Telepathy or Angels
In this study, we build on last week's study on prayer. What we showed in last week's study, ( Is Merely Mental Prayer Scriptural? linked below) is that Scripture contains many examples and admonitions to pray audibly with our mouths while it contains no admonitions or examples to pray merely mentally. Even though the idea of merely mental prayer is popular today, it is ultimately foreign to Scripture. • Today we continue with this topic by looking at another aspect of prayer; specifically, how scripture portrays the role of angels in taking our prayers to God – and that since angels do bring our prayers to God, obviously God isn't receiving them through mind-reading our merely mental prayers. Then we get into the implications of these scriptural aspects of prayer. • Why use angels if God is already personally everywhere present? If God is personally everywhere present, wouldn't that make the ministry of the angels useless? Ellen White addressed this issue. She said that extreme views of 'God in nature' undermine the foundation truths of the personality of God and the ministration of angels. Join us as we deal with the realities of the scriptural view of prayer, the personality of God, and the ministration of angels. • For further study: Is Merely Mental Prayer Scriptural? • • The Personality of God playlist, • The Personality of God: An SDA Pillar... • Angels: Their Nature and Ministry, written by Dudley Canright and later revised by Joseph Waggoner, • Why SDAs Should Care About The Apocrypha, • Why SDAs Should Care About The Apocrypha • 2024 Sabbath School, Quarter 1: Psalms – Week 3 • A Branch Davidian Seventh-day Adventist perspective on the Sabbath School Lesson. • Email us [email protected] for comments and study requests • Podcast link for Sabbath School with Branch Davidians,