ZTAO 黃子韜 Expose 揭穿 Lyrics ChinesePinyinEnglish
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=s3Unpwd51z8
Source of the translation is from BaiduTaoBar's Lyn: • https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DAkGw-dXs... • Chinese and Pinyin is from here: • http://cjklyrics.net/ztao-expose-jie-... • Thank you to the lovely people that contributed. :) • Ah, ZTAO back at it again with the emotional ballads. And that last part of the bridge where he suddenly goes on high note mode is just... and his falsetto, holy cow. SM, what's good? :P • Out of the three songs he's released right now, I still like Collateral Love the best, followed by Promise. Expose is my least favorite out of the bunch, but it's still pretty good, don't get me wrong. And hey, we have a bridge for once. :D • Next ZTAO single iirc is King of China. He's been hinting it a bit on a live chat in China, it sounds like a rap song. • King of China was supposed to be out first. It was already announced, but idk some things happened. I don't know if it had something to do with Tao's emergency visit to Korea to the point that his 2 roadshows were cancelled, since it was announced days before he flew there. Then, next thing we know is that the next song is apparently Expose. • Something's a bit fishy, but we don't have info on Tao's Korea thing yet. Tao throwing shade at SM to Expose the truth behind him leaving EXO confirmed?! xD