How to Dance Drag Blues Part 2 Drag Blues Walk with Joe DeMers
This video teaches you the defining characteristics of Drag Blues and its walk. Drag Blues is a modern dance form of Blues evolved from Ballroomin' and Slow Drag, both vintage blues dances, danced to the swing rhythms found in Blues and Jazz music. While based on vintage traveling Blues dances, Drag Blues has a more defined technique and incorporates Swing moves and movements. Find a Drag Blues practice checklist at • Blues is an umbrella term for an improvised family of individual, partnered, and group dance forms done to Blues music and structures. It is based on a series of dance styles created in America between the 1800's and mid 1900's, parallel with blues music. Rooted in African movement, Blues places high value on rhythm and a strong emphasis on solo movement. The dance has experienced a significant evolution within the last 10-15 years. • While there are now a wide range of Blues dances, each with unique dynamics, aesthetics, rhythms, attitudes, and step patterns, they share numerous characteristics that allow individuals to stylistically and creatively express the music. These include: asymmetry in the body; grounded and earth-focused movement; a balanced and flexible posture; dancing behind the beat; pulse; polyrhythms; 'every day' found movement; bent limbs and torso; movement in all parts of the body; call and response; lead and follow; and emotion. -John Joven, Shoshi Krieger, Flouer Evelyn , Joe DeMers • Video 1: Intro to Drag Blues • Video 2: Drag Blues Walk • Video 3: Drag Blues Moves • Video 4: Drag Blues Connection • Video 5: Drag Blues and Fusion • Video 6 (2.5): Context for the Drag Blues Walk • Video 7: A Beginner's Approach • For more information, contact Joe DeMers at