Me vs Flandre Scarlet EoSD Extra Boss
High Quality (Highly recommended) • • Me vs Flandre Scarlet (EoSD Extra Boss) • • And Then There Were None? • • A video of me fighting and barely defeating the sister of the devil herself, Flandre Scarlet • • Flandre Scarlet (Is kind of an epic name) is the ex-boss of the game Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, the 6th installment of the Touhou Project. The Touhou Project is a series of danmaku shooters. Danmaku is a term than can be loosely translated (and quite aptly in my opinion) into curtain of fire or bullet hell , thus denoting game were high density in bullet is more important that a lot of enemies. The series was created and is managed by the one man team Team Shanghai Alice, composed only of ZUN. • • Flandre is a pretty interesting character. Her wings aren't those of a normal vampire, yet you can clearly see them flutter which means they are real... more or less. She's mentally insane (or so they say, is more like very eccentric personality), yet that kind of make her a lovable character. And her existence is full with symbolism and references. Ok, maybe I exaggerated symbolism, but it does have references. • • She's the first Ex-boss of the Touhou series Window games and makes it clear WHY she is an Ex-boss. Personally I believe she isn't using her full danmaku potential. Most Ex-bosses show their non-danmaku abilities in their fight one way or another. For someone whose ability can be called Destruction of Anything and Everything, you would expect a pretty chaotic battle with random explosive danmakus here and there, but no, it doesn't happen. But it does happen against Utsuho (SA last boss) manipulation of nuclear fusion AND against Mokou. (IN Ex-boss) • • Oh well, she still gave one heck of a fight, though I believe it was more difficult getting to her with my lives intact (Damn Patchouli and her Royal Flare AND Philosopher Stones. • • More info about the Touhou series can be found in this wiki page: • •